Forest Bathing, the new album from A Hawk And A Hacksaw, is out now. Forest Bathing features sinuous compositions and beautiful performance with unique instruments. Ancient dulcimers, unconventional woodwinds, and atmospheric percussion are all here supporting songs that evoke far away places through traditional melodies. It's a contemplative and ebullient album. Grab a copy of the vinyl and take a trip without leaving your living room.

Forest Bathing is out now on LM Duplication. It was mastered for vinyl by Adam at Telegraph.

The Subversive Nature of Kindness, the new album from Thor & Friends, is out now. The Subversive Nature of Kindness is the second album from Thor & Friends, the group consisting of brilliant percussionist Thor Harris, and multi-instrumentalists Peggy Ghorbani, and Sarah Gautier. Melody and poly-rhythmic wizardry combine for sublime album of avant-garde chamber pop. The album was recorded and mixed by A Hawk & A Hacksaw's Jeremy Barnes and Deerhoof's John Dietrich. Grab a copy on vinyl now and bliss out.

The Subversive Nature of Kindness is out now on LM Duplication. It was mastered for vinyl and cut by Adam at Telegraph.

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